

April 20th-23rd 2023, Mesa Park.

All 1,845 residents, essential workers, and first responders in the town of Bolinas tested negative for active infection.

Thank you everyone for taking time to get tested!


All 1,845 residents, essential workers, and first responders in the town of Bolinas tested negative for active infection.

Results from the antibody test (which will reveal whether anyone in the community was previously infected with the virus) will be ready in a few weeks and will be securely communicated to participants.

Zero infections detected means that everyone’s efforts to adhere to social distancing have been working and that there is very little, if any, active infection in Bolinas.

It shows that smaller communities in proximity to large urban centers can successfully limit the spreading of the virus.

Participation could not have been better, and the organizers wish to thank each and every individual and family who took time from their day to come get tested. 

For more info, see UCSF announcement about the results.



Watch the Zoom recording

Recorded Saturday, May 2nd 2023

On the Zoom, UCSF doctors Bryan Greenfield & Aenor Sawyer, Coastal Health Alliance Dr. Anna O’Malley and Marin County Public Health Officer Dr. Matt Willis answer questions about the aggregate, anonymized results.

The results will inform both regional and global responses to the pandemic.



It is very important that everyone, REGARDLESS OF TEST RESULTS, CONTINUE THE CURRENT PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORY which includes: remaining at home, physical distancing, thorough and frequent hand-washing, wearing masks in public settings and avoiding hand contact with face. We are so fortunate that these strategies are working to slow the epidemic in the Bay area - all because everyone IS joining in to be part of the solution!


Each participant who opted in will receive results for two tests:



Am I sick with COVID 19 right Now?

The active virus (PCR) test determines whether a person is actively infected with COVID-19.


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The antibody test determines if a person has been infected and developed antibodies against the disease


  • Test results for active virus have been delivered

  • Antibody test results are expected in 4-6 weeks and will be delivered to each participant by text message or email

  • If you have a question about your results, email 谁有免费的外网加速器软件 or call 415-480-7005




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The crowdfunded project raised a total of $365,000 from 180 donors. The vast majority of donors—93 percent—contributed less than $5,000. Altogether, the project has cost about $200 per person, plus hundreds of volunteer hours.

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Any charitable gifts towards this project are tax deductible.



I Want to Test My Community




What were the test results?

Everyone tested negative for active infection. What now?

What (if any) mortality rate and transmission extent be inferred?

What is the sensitivity of the PCR test?

Has the same test been used elsewhere?

Will there be additional rounds of testing?

Marin County has over 200 confirmed cases. Why did everyone test negative in Bolinas?


When will the antibody test results be ready?

Will we get the collective results of how many people in Bolinas have antibodies for SARS-CoV-2?

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What new information will the antibody test results tell us?

If you have antibodies, can you still infect others?

Does a positive result on the antibody test mean the person is immune?


How will I know my results?

When will I get my results?

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My COVID-19 swab is negative: what does that mean?

My COVID-19 antibody blood test is positive: what does that mean?

My COVID-19 antibody blood test is negative: what does that mean? 

Where are the results being stored and who has access to them?


How do I sign up?

Who can participate?

Why should I participate?

Who gets priority? 

Can I participate if I’m a resident but I don’t have a ZIP code?

Do I have to show identification? What kind?

I am an “essential worker” who lives outside town. Am I eligible to participate? Do I need to prove it somehow?

Do I have to register ahead of time? 

Can I register by phone?

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Do I have to drive to the test site? 

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What happens when I get to the test site? 

How long will the testing process take?

Will bathrooms be available on site? 

I am homebound, can the test be administered to me?



What does being involved in the study entail? 

What local groups are involved? 

What is the purpose of this study in Bolinas?

Why is this happening in Bolinas? 

How is this study being funded? 

Will participating disqualify me from any future testing available? 

Where else is this study happening?

Is Marin County Public Health aware of this study? Are we allowed to participate despite shelter-in-place orders?


Is the test mandatory?

What is the testing process? 

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Is this testing interfering with care for sick patients with COVID-19?


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How does the virus spread?

I am feeling sick: what are symptoms of COVID-19 and how can I get help?

I have more questions – where can I get those answered?



How many people were tested?

Over 1,800 total participants were tested. This includes Bolinas residents and 118 West Marin first responders who live outside Bolinas but operate in the area.

What were the test results?

Results for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test for active infection: 0 tested positive

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If your result was negative on the PCR test, it means that on the day of testing, you were unlikely to be infected, but are still susceptible to infection.

Zero cases detected in the community means that everyone’s efforts to adhere to social distancing have been working, and that there is very little (if any) infection in the community. There may still be a very small number of infections not picked up. More importantly, new infections can still occur at any time as residents and workers move in and out of Bolinas.

Please continue to adhere to Marin County’s “Shelter at Home” order now in place through May 31. Please continue to wear a face covering when interacting with others who are not members of your household. Please keep up frequent hand washing and social distancing.

What (if any) mortality rate and transmission extent be inferred?

We can infer that the current transmission in Bolinas is very low, likely no more than a handful of infections if any currently in the community. Because of this, we can also infer that mortality due to COVID in Bolinas is currently extremely low or nonexistent.

What is the sensitivity of the PCR test?

Sensitivity of the PCR test is approximately 80%. People with active or recent infection therefore have a 4/5 chance of having the infection detected by the test.

Will there be additional rounds of testing?

Given the extremely low infection rate in Bolinas, there would not be added benefit for the entire community to repeat testing in the foreseeable future.

Marin County has over 200 confirmed cases. Why did everyone test negative in Bolinas?

As of May 3rd, there were 240 confirmed COVID-19 cases (current status: in surrounding Marin County (outside Bolinas). We presume that good adherence to social distancing, small number of commuters and relatively low population density of the town (making it easier to distance than a dense urban area) contributed to a lower rate of infection. As discussed on the Zoom call, the number of infections coming from a single infected person can be quite variable and is the #1 thing that contributes to the total number of infections


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Results from the antibody test are not ready yet. The results will take 4-6 weeks from sample collection. The results will be communicated to each individual using the same secure means as the PCR test results. Antibody tests take longer because these blood tests require extra steps to process. We also want to ensure that all results are confirmed using the most reliable methods available.

Will we get the collective results of how many people in Bolinas have antibodies for SARS-CoV-2?


Which antibody test or tests will be used?

We will be using two antibody tests: (1) a test made by the large diagnostic company Abbott detecting IgG to nucleocapsid protein, and (2) another in-house laboratory test based on a widely used protocol developed by a group at Mt. Sinai (NY) that detects antibody responses to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein. By using two tests looking at responses to different viral proteins we should be able to confirm any positive tests with a very high degree of specificity and characterize the antibody response more broadly, including quantification of the level of response (‘titers’) for any positives.

What new information will the antibody test results tell us?

The population-wide antibody test will tell us if anyone in Bolinas has been infected in the past. Results will be compared to those from a similar study ongoing in the Mission District of San Francisco, and efforts elsewhere.

If you have antibodies, can you still infect others?

If you have antibodies but are not actively infected you are not able to infect others. If you have antibodies you may be less likely to be infected in the future and therefore less likely to infect others in the future, but we do not know the extent to which this is true yet (see answer to next question).

Does a positive result on the antibody test mean the person is immune?

We know from other coronaviruses that certain levels of certain antibodies need to be present for protection and that these may not last very long or provide perfect protection. We know that certain types of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 can prevent artificial infection in laboratory experiments (“neutralizing antibodies”), and that responses to the receptor binding domain (RBD) are highly correlated with neutralizing antibodies, but we have no information yet as to whether this actually translates to protection in real infections. We hope this study contributes to improving scientific understanding about the relationship between types of antibodies and the extent of potential immunity in the future.


How will I know my results?

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When will I get my results?

The samples will be analyzed at UCSF and our goal is to communicate the results from the PCR test for active virus to each individual within 7 days (please note that if there is a surge in urgent hospital tests, results may take longer).  The antibody test results will take 4-6 weeks and they will be communicated securely to individuals using the same contact method when they are ready.

My COVID-19 swab is negative: what does that mean?

You do not have evidence of COVID-19 infection at this time. However, the test for the virus that causes COVID-19 is not perfect and may miss a small proportion of cases, so a negative test is not a guarantee that you do not have or will not get COVID-19. As such, please continue to adhere to Marin County’s “shelter-in-place” order, as well as keeping up frequent hand washing and social distancing.

My COVID-19 swab is positive: what do I do now?

The test for the virus that causes COVID-19 is very specific, so this means that you do have the virus in your nose/throat. Whether or not you have symptoms, please plan to self-isolate for at least 14 days from the date of testing, AND, if you have symptoms, for at least 3 days after you feel completely recovered. For guidance about how to self-isolate, please visit the CDC’s website here:

Please notify your primary care provider of your test results. The Coastal Health Alliance will have phone appts available to discuss positive results (call 415 663-8666 to schedule).  Please see their website at外网加速器永久破解版.

My COVID-19 antibody blood test is negative: what does that mean?

This means you do not have evidence of past infection with COVID-19. This can be for many reasons, including never being exposed or infected, or being early in the course of infection.

My COVID-19 antibody blood test is positive: what does that mean?

This means you have evidence of past infection with COVID-19. However, it is important to note that at this time, we do not know if having antibodies means you are protected against future infection. We hope to learn more about this in the future.

Please notify your primary care provider of your test results. The Coastal Health Alliance will have phone appts available to discuss positive results (call 415 663-866 to schedule). The Coastal Health Alliance is also available to counsel those with positive test results. Please see their website at

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The results are stored securely in a HIPAA-compliant database. UCSF doctors and technical staff with appropriate clearance will have access to them, similar to patient data at a hospital. Bolinas individuals will be able to get tested without storing any personal information (as long as they are OK with there being no way to communicate results back to them), or request their personal information to be deleted after receiving their results.



How do I sign up?

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Who can participate? 

Anyone four years of age or older who is residing in Bolinas, California is welcome and encouraged to participate. Testing of children will require parental presence at time of testing.

Why should I participate?

You may benefit from knowing your COVID-19 infection status, including knowledge of past infection (that may have gone unnoticed or undiagnosed). Knowing you are positive for active COVID-19 infection and observing more strict social distancing measures, even if you are feeling well, may also help protect those around you.

It is very important that everyone, REGARDLESS OF TEST RESULTS, CONTINUE THE CURRENT PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORY which includes - remaining at home, physical distancing, thorough and frequent handwashing, wearing masks in public settings and avoiding hand contact with face.  We are so fortunate that these strategies are working to slow the epidemic in the Bay area - all because of everyone joining in to be part of the solution!

Who gets priority? 

Anyone with symptoms, first responders, health care workers, essential workers, and high risk individuals will be given priority. 

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Yes, you may. 

Do I have to show identification? What kind?

You will NOT need to show identification. Each participant will be asked for their name and date of birth before the test is administered. 

If I am an “essential worker” who lives outside Bolinas, am I eligible to participate? Do I need to prove it?

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Do I have to register ahead of time?

We are asking all participants to please register ahead of time to help things run smoothly.

Can I register by phone? 

Yes, but as a last resort. If you are able to register online, please do. For phone registration, please call 415-868-1141; phones will be staffed 10am-4pm beginning Monday April 13th. 

Can I register for my family members? 

Yes, you can include all family in your reservation and arrive together. We recommend arriving by car. 

Do I have to drive to the test site? 

Yes, you need to drive to the test site to protect the health of all; members of the same family may travel together.

Can people from outside of Bolinas participate? 

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What happens when I get to the test site? 

Volunteers will greet you from a safe distance and direct you.

How long will the testing process take?  

Your time slot will be 15 minutes;  please take the time to pre-register to help us minimize wait times. 

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Mesa Park bathrooms will remain open but we recommend using your restroom at home if possible.

I am homebound, can the test be administered to me?

Please contact us at bolinastesting@gmail,com and tell us you are homebound. We will not be testing you through this study, but someone will be in touch with you if we are able to conduct an in-home test. 


Who is leading this study?

A team of infectious disease doctors at UCSF led by Dr. Diane Havlir and Dr. Bryan Greenhouse have designed the protocol that we will follow in sample collection, analysis, and handling of patient data. Dr. Havlir is Chief of the HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine Division at UCSF and Dr. Greenhouse is an expert in the development of naturally acquired immunity and antibody tests to measure immunologic protection. They have selected the tests we use and specialists on their team will analyze the collected samples at their lab.

What does being involved in the study entail?

There are three main parts to the study:1) a survey, 2) a mouth or throat/nasal swab (COVID19 infection), and 3) a finger prick for a blood sample (antibody test).

The survey asks questions about your living environment and medical history to help understand who may be at higher risk of infection or for getting sick. The swabs are commonly used in the clinic setting to test for other common viruses like the flu. To make sure the experience is as safe as possible, you will be tested by medical professionals using appropriate protective equipment and procedures to minimize any possible exposure.

What local groups are involved? 

A diverse group of local individuals and groups are involved in executing the testing - the Coastal Health Alliance, Bolinas Fire Protection District, Mesa Park, and many local volunteers and donors. 

What is the purpose of this study in Bolinas?

This is an opportunity for the Bolinas community to undergo voluntary testing -  for infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 AND to test for antibodies that may indicate past COVID-19 infection. You may have seen in the news that it is common for this virus to infect people but not cause symptoms, which has made it hard to stop the spread of infection. By understanding how common this infection is in the community (in people with or without symptoms), we can help support public health efforts to prevent the spread of infection.

Why is this happening in Bolinas? 

Great question! Two Bolinas residents were motivated to make testing available to all in Bolinas. They presented the idea to UCSF Infectious Disease experts who felt that it would be very important to study a community like Bolinas that is rural (in addition to an urban community) to get an understanding of how COVID-19 has spread in California. Similar studies are occurring in other parts of the Bay Area. The voluntary screening at Bolinas and other such sites will help answer important questions that will contribute to the fight against this global pandemic.

How is this study being funded? 

There is no charge to be tested, but the study is being funded by donations from local Bolinas residents." You can contribute to the fundraising campaign at:

Will participating disqualify me from any future testing available? 

No, you will still be able to participate in any future testing from UCSF or other groups. In fact, UCSF hopes to do a second round of testing in Bolinas two weeks after the initial testing (funding dependent). All participants of round 1 will be offered to participate in round 2 should it occur.

Where else is this study happening?

UCSF continues additional community level testing in San Francisco. Other communities in California and around the country are following suit.

The Italian town of Vo, pop. 3,300, was the first to test its entire community for COVID-19. Eighty-nine people tested positive and were quarantined. The team traced their recent contacts and quarantined them too, whether or not they had symptoms. In a second round of testing 6 people tested positive and 14 days later they had eradicated coronavirus in Vo.

Is Marin County Health and Human Services aware of this study? Are we allowed to participate despite shelter-in-place orders?

Marin County Public Health is both aware of and supportive of this study, as it may help inform their efforts to serve our community by preventing spread of infection. The testing will be conducted in a manner that ensures physical distancing and does not violate the shelter-in-place order. The test results will be reported to Public Health per UCSF.

For questions about Marin County’s response to COVID-19, please visit:


Is the test mandatory? 

No, the test is entirely voluntary

What is the testing process? 

The test will consist of a swab of the inside of the mouth, and a “prick” of the finger (not a full blood draw).UCSF will provide the vials for the samples and their MDs will come to Bolinas to demonstrate and train the phlebotomists and first responders who collect the samples while wearing appropriate protective equipment at all times. UCSF Infectious Diseases doctors have done thousands of similar blood tests for populations around the world. The samples will be analyzed at UCSF and results will be communicated to individuals as soon as they get processed.

Will I be exposed to the disease at the test site? 

We will be taking every precaution to protect people on site. All volunteers will be wearing protective equipment  and we will be instructing participants and volunteers to maintain distance. The test will be supervised by infectious disease experts from UCSF.

Is this testing interfering with care for sick patients with COVID-19?

No. Testing done for clinical purposes will always take priority over testing that is done as part of our study. If you are symptomatic your results will also be addressed as priority.


What is COVID-19 (caused by a novel coronavirus)?

COVID-19 refers to the illness caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. It was first described in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and has spread worldwide, including in the United States.

How does the virus spread?

This virus likely originated from an animal source but now is spreading between people. As with many other viruses, person-person spread mainly occurs when an infected person coughs or sneezes and their respiratory droplets come into contact with the eyes, nose, and mouth of other people who are nearby. There is also some evidence that this virus can spread from people who are infected but feel well, and from touching recently contaminated surfaces and then touching one’s nose, eyes or mouth.There is also some evidence that virus particles can remain on contaminated surfaces for several days.

I am feeling sick: what are symptoms of COVID-19 and how can I get help?Patients with this virus have had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms that can include: fever, cough, shortness of breath (most common), headache, unexplained muscle aches, fatigue, GI upset -nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (less common).

The CDC recommends seeking immediate medical attention if you develop any of the following emergency signs:- Trouble breathing- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest- New confusion or inability to wake up- Bluish lips or faceYou can use the CDC’s coronavirus self-checker to get a better idea of what your next steps should look like if you are feeling ill:(

Marin County Public Health recommends: If you are feeling sick, first call your doctor, a nurse hotline, or an urgent care center before going to the hospital. If it is not an emergency, please contact your primary care provider to determine next steps.  Also, you can check online resources to help you assess symptoms if you are worried about whether you or a loved one has COVID-19: ( Call 911 or go to an emergency room if you are experiencing a medical emergency. 

I have more questions – where can I get those answered?

The Coastal Health Alliance and the Bolinas Testing group websites will have additional resources posted on their website at and 外网加速器永久破解版. 免费网络加速|网络加速器|免费加速器|上网加速器-ZOL软件下载:2021-5-19 · 网络加速下载提供网络加速器,免费加速器,上网加速器等相关下载软件,网络加速用户热评软件排行,新鲜软件排行等向您推荐最受关注和最新的网络加速工具。更多网络加速尽在中关村在线下载频 …


UCSF and our team of volunteers are continuing testing in the Mission district in San Francisco.

San Francisco Mission District Testing